Here are some fun facts about our farm animals. Can you think of more fun facts?
What DO COWS, SHEEP and GOATS have in COMMON?Goats, sheep, and cows don't have upper teeth in the front of their mouth (incisors). How do you think they chew their food?
cows, sheep, and goats are also ruminantsThis means they have a stomach with four compartments allowing them to gain nutrients from foods that humans cannot. In addition, the digestion process creates heat to help the animal stay warm in the winter
did you know that a cow's skin is so thick!A cow's hide, or skin, is about 1/8" thick. In comparison, the thickest areas of human skin (soles of feet and palms of hands) are only 4 millimeters thick. The thick hide helps protect cattle from the cold and other elements.
did you know a cow is only a cow?The word "cow" is often used to refer to cattle in general, however, cow actually refers to female cattle